God is the Light

how great the wonder of the heaven
and the timeless beauty of the night
how great and how great the creator
and its stars' like priceless jewel
far the beyond the reach of king
bow down for the shepherd guiding in home
but how many eyes are closed
to the wonder of this night
like pearls hidden deep
beneath the dark streams of desires
but like dreams vanished with the call to prayer
and the door extinguishes its night
hear to our sign
god is the light

how great the beauty of the earth
and the creature that dwells of her
how great and how great the creator
as its mountain pierce the cloud
high above the lights of men
weeping rivers for thousands of years
but how many hearts are closed
to the wonder of this sight
like bird in a cage
asleep with closed wing
but like word stops with the call to prayer
and the birds reside
hear to our sign
god is the light

how great the works of man
and the things he made
how great and how great the creator
though he strives to reach the heaven
he can barely survives
the wars of the world he lives in
and how many times he tried
himself to immortalise
like his parent before him
but like the sun set with the call to prayer
and surrenders to the night
hear to our sign
god is the light
god is the light everlasting

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